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作者:admin时间:2021-11-19 次浏览


Cost estimate - Aquaculture(成本估算-水产养殖场) Sum Total all buildings(所有建筑物) #REF!...

Cost estimate - Aquaculture(成本估算-水产养殖场)
Total all buildings(所有建筑物) #REF!
C - RAS-1 4,290,800
Stainless Steel Pipe - 24 mm(不锈钢管-24mm) 153,600
Stainless Steel Pipe - 72,1 mm(不锈钢管-72,1mm) 1,086,000
Stainless Steel Pipe - 44,3 mm(不锈钢管-44,3mm) 2,419,200
Valves - DN 28 mm(阀门-DN28mm) 20,000
Valves - DN 76,1 mm (阀门-DN76,1mm) 252,000
Valves - DN 48,3 mm(阀门-DN48,3mm) 360,000
M- 水处理 73,815,320
Sea chest Type 1 (1型海底阀箱) 200,000
Sea chest Type 2(2型海底阀箱) 200,000
Pump to the energy water Phase 1 with frequency converter(一期能量水变频泵) 2,045,320
Pump to the energy water Phase 2 with frequency converter(二期能量水变频泵) 3,920,000
Pump to the process water Phase 1(一期生产用水泵) 2,520,000
Pump to the process water Phase 2(二期生产用水泵) 1,960,000
Grov filter to Phase 1 (一期石子过滤器) 600,000
Grov filter to Phase 2(二期石子过滤器) 600,000
Nano filter to the Phase 1(一期纳米过滤器) 20,000,000
Nano filter to the Phase 2(二期纳米过滤器) 40,000,000
UV to Phase 1(一期uv ) 600,000
UV to Phase 2(二期uv ) 600,000
Flow meter  DN 400 og acuator ventil (DN400活栓调节流量计) 60,000
Flow meter  DN 400  og acuator ventil(DN400活栓调节流量计) 60,000
Automasjon og installation to Phase 1  150,000
Automasjon og installation Phase 2  100,000
Pipes and fittings - Sea Water管道和配件-海水
Sea pipes (Sea chest to pump room)海水管道(海底阀箱至泵室)
Recovery sea pipes 回收海水管道- PE 100 SDR 17 (PN 10) 1200 x 71.1 mm
Suppply Sea pipes 供应海水管道- PE 100 SDR 17 (PN 10) 900 x 53.3 mm
Suppply Sea pipes 供应海水管道- PE 100 SDR 17 (PN 10) 800 x 47.4 mm
Suction lines to recovery transfer pumps通往回收输送泵的吸入管路
Manifold ring line分歧管线 -  Pipes PE 100 SDR 17 (PN 10) 1200 x 71.1 mm
Suction Pipes to pumps 泵的吸入管-GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列2000M 900 x 24.1 mm 
Valves阀门 DN1200 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Valves 阀门DN1200 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly manually自动蝶阀)
Valves阀门 DN900 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Tee T型- Polyethylene聚乙烯 1200mm PN 10
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 900
Flanges法兰 - Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 1200
Suction lines to sea water transfer pumps海水输送泵的吸入管路
Manifold ring line分歧管线 - PE 100 SDR 17 (PN 10) 900 x 53.3 mm
Suction line to pumps泵的吸入管路 -GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列2000M 700 x 18.7 mm 
Valves阀门 DN900 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Valves阀门 DN900 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly manually自动蝶阀)
Valves阀门 DN700 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
TeeT型 - Polyethylene聚乙烯 900mm PN 10
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 700
Flanges法兰 - Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 900
Recovery water discharge to RAS 1 排放至RAS 1的回收水
Discharge out排放 - Pipes GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列管 2000M 900 x 24.1 mm
Discharge Ring line排放环线- Pipes GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列管 2000M 900 x 24.1 mm
From manifold to RAS 1 从歧管到RAS 1- Pipes管 PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 710 x 27.2mm
Valves阀门 DN900 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Valves阀门 DN800 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand SeriesGRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 900
Check valves wafer type对夹式止回阀 DN 900
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 800
Tees T型 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 900
Sea water supply lines海水供应管路 - From transfer pump to Nano filters从输送泵到纳米过滤器
Discharge pipes from pumps泵排出管道- GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M 700 x 18.7 mm
Discharge pipes to Nano filters到纳米过滤器的排放管道- Pipes PE 100 SDR 11 (PN 16) 710 x 64.5mm
Discharge pipes to Nano filters到纳米过滤器的排放管道- GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M 700 x 18.7 mm
Valves阀门 DN700 sea water海水 PN 20 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Check valves wafer type对夹式止回阀 DN 700 PN 20
Tees T型- GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 700
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 700
Sea water supply lines海水供应管路 - From Nano filters to Buffertanks从纳米过滤器到缓冲罐
Discharge lines from Nano f纳米放电管路- GRE Boundstrand SeriesGRE结合管路系列 2000M 700 x 18.7 mm
Sea water to Buffer tanks海水到缓冲槽- Pipes PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 710 x 27.2mm
Valves阀门 DN700 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Tees T型 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 700
Tee T型 - Polyethylene聚乙烯 710mm PN 6
Flanges 法兰- GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 700
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 700
Buffer tanks circulation lines缓冲罐循环管路
Circulation lines循环管路 - Suction Pipes PE 吸入管道 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 710 x 27.2mm
Circulation lines循环管路 - Discharge Pipes PE 排放管道100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 710 x 27.2mm
Valves阀门 DN700 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Check valves wafer type 对夹式止回阀DN 700
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 700
Tee T型- Polyethylene聚乙烯 710mm PN 6
Sea water supply lines from Buffer tanks to RAS 1从缓冲罐到RAS 1的海水供应管道
Circulation lines循环管路 - Suction Pipes 吸入管道PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 710 x 27.2mm
Circulation lines循环管路 - Suction Pipes PE 吸入管道100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 630 mm x 24.1mm
Valves DN700 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Valves DN 600 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Flanges法兰 - Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 700
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 600
Tee T型- Polyethylene聚乙烯 710mm PN 6
Suction dump line and Back flash pipes吸入排水管和回闪管
Dump and back flash lines倒出和回闪线 - PE 100 SDR 17 (PN 10) 800 x 47.4 mm
Valves阀门 DN800 sea water海水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Flanges法兰 - Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 800
Tee T型 - Polyethylene聚乙烯 800mm PN 10
Sea Water supply to slaughterhouse候宰室海水供应
Supply to slaughterhouse供应到屠宰场 - Suction Pipes PE PE吸入管道100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 630 mm x 24.1mm
Recovery water from RAS 1 to Slaugherhouse从RAS 1到候宰室的回收水
Recovery return to Slaugherhouse回收至候宰室- Pipes PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 200 mm x 7.7mm
Pumps before nanofilter Phase 1 (一期纳米过滤器前的泵) 100,000
Pumps before nanofilter Phase 2(二期纳米过滤器前的泵) 100,000
Nano filter to Phase 1(一期纳米过滤器) 0
Nano filter to Phase 2(二期纳米过滤器) 0
UV to Phase 1 (med Phase 2)  0
Flow meter  DN 200 og acuator ventil (DN200活栓调节流量计) 0
Automasjon og installation Phase 1  0
Automasjon og installation Phase 2 0
RO with feed pump and pre-filter 带进料泵和预过滤器的RO 0
Pipes and fittings管道和配件 - Fresh Water淡水
Fresh water supply to Buffertanks供应淡水至缓冲水箱
Fresh water intake to Nano f吸入到纳米过滤器的淡水-PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 280mm x16.6mm
Discharge line to Nano Filter排放管路至纳米过滤器-GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250 PN16
Fresh water supply to Buffertanks供应淡水至缓冲水箱-PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 280mm x16.6mm
Valves阀门 DN250 fresh water淡水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Valves阀门 DN250 fresh water淡水 PN 16 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Check valves wafer type对夹式止回阀 DN 250
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 250
Tee T型 - Polyethylene聚乙烯 280mm PN 10
Tees T型 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250
Tee T型- Polyethylene聚乙烯 280mm PN 6
Flanges 法兰- GRE Boundstrand Series 2000M DN 250
Fresh water suction lines from Buffer tanks
Suction line to transfer pumps-PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 280mm x16.6mm
Valves阀门 DN250 fresh water淡水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Tee - Polyethylene聚乙烯 280mm PN 10
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 250
Elbows polyethylene聚乙烯弯管 280 mm
Fresh water discharge from transfer pump to RAS 1从输送泵到RAS 1淡水排放
Discharge line from pumps泵排出管路-GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250 PN16
Transfer line to RAS 1转接到RAS 1管路-PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 280mm x16.6mm
Valves阀门 DN250 fresh water淡水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Check valves wafer type对夹式止回阀 DN 250
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 250
Tees T型- GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250
Elbows弯管 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250
Elbows polyethylene聚乙烯弯管 280mm
Fresh water Buffertanks circulation lines淡水缓冲罐循环管路
Suction circulation pipes吸水循环管道 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250 PN16
Suction circulation pipes吸水循环管道-PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 280mm x16.6mm
Discharge circulation pipes排水循环管道+A134水循环管道-PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 280mm x16.6mm
Discharge circulation pipes排水循环管道- GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250 PN16
Valves阀门 DN250 fresh water淡水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Flanges法兰 - Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 250
Flanges法兰 - GRE Boundstrand Series GRE结合管路系列 2000M DN 250
Tee T型 - Polyethylene聚乙烯  280mm  SDR 26
Elbows polyethylene聚乙烯 280mm SDR 26
Check valves wafer type对夹式止回阀 DN 250
RO Water maker 反渗透水制造器
Sea water supply海水供应 - PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 110mm x 4.3mm
Fresh water supply to Hatchery RAS 1孵化场RAS 1供应淡水 -PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 110mm x 4.3mm
RO Water to buffertanks 反渗透水到缓冲水箱- PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 110mm x 4.3mm
Valves阀门 DN100 fresh water淡水 PN 10 (butterfly remote operated /actuator蝶式遥控/制动器)
Check valves wafer type 对夹式止回阀DN 100
Flanges 法兰- Steel loose flange钢活套法兰 DN 100
Elbows polyethylene聚乙烯弯管 110mm SDR 26
Tee T型 - Polyethylene聚乙烯  110mm  SDR 26
Fresh Water supply to Slaughter house候宰室淡水供应
Fresh Water supply to Slaughter house候宰室淡水供应- PE 100 SDR 26 (PN 6) 110mm x 4.3mm

